Day 4 of Ride the Rockies was a reasonable day. It consisted of 85 miles and 3939 feet of climbing . The route went from Copper to Grand Lake. The people who took the day off yesterday were pretty fresh, which was not my case. I was sore from the previous 3 days and another 7 hour day in the saddle today had potential to be hard. I was up at 5 am and made myself a cowboy coffee. My first water bottle had an electrolyte tab. I was on my bike by 600 am riding towards the only pass, which was Ute Pass. I stopped at the first aid station just long enough to use the porta potty and take a bite out of my keto bar.
I felt pretty good and just cruised along till I hit the top of Ute pass. I have no idea why this was the major stop of the day as it really was too early along in the ride. Not the best planning on the part of Ride the Rockies. The fajita guy was there so I forced myself to eat. I did not want a repeat of Day 2. Just meat, veggies, sour cream , and cheese. I took a good 30 minute break here. Following the descent from Ute pass there was a 20 mile section of dirt road which just made my sore body feel worse. I had done this section in a previous tour and the road was way better this time. It was still tiring to do so many dirt miles on a road bike. By the time we were back on the road and going through Byers canyon I could feel myself starting to tire out. I do not believe this had anything to do with my ketosis state. I was just tired. When we arrived at Hot Sulphur Springs at mile 60 I stopped and made a cowboy coffee at a local cafe and had a keto bar. Took another 30 minute break. Something I have always done on these tours is try to spend money at the local shops. That is part of the reason why Ride the Rockies goes through a lot of these small towns.

Loveland Weight Loss Programs RTR Day 4
The afternoon sun was starting to have its affect. I did pay attention to my hydration. Made a left turn through Granby and started the small climb up to Grand Lake. I had to stop at the last aid station and for the first time ate some carbs in the form of grapes. I also ate a Keto Bar which provided some good energy. Somewhat revived I finished the ride off to Grand Lake. I put my bike in the bike corral, cleaned up, and looked for the buses. I arrived at 1 pm and the buses would not be running to Fraser where I was staying till 3. I ate a beef bar and headed to town looking for food. I ate at Lefty’s and had a shrimp fajita meal for two with two beers. Once again, no tortillas, just meat, veggies, sour cream, and cheese. After that I headed for the bus but missed it.
Decided to check out the Beer Garden. Every day Ride the Rockies hosts a beer garden with entertainment. The music and beer were really good. Unfortunately there was no shade which was not ideal for hot cyclists. The 5 pm bus did not leave till 530 pm and I did not get to my room till 615 pm. The bus situation in Grand Lake was not friendly for the riders. They had 4 buses doing rounds in town and only one bus transporting people to their rooms in Fraser and Winter Park. Grand Lake is a one street town and you could walk from tent city to everything in town. Lots of angry riders waiting on buses trying to get to their rooms. I had eaten and had a few beers so I really didn’t care.
Once in my room I checked my ketones which were 1.6 and my glucose was 65. I was really surprised at my blood sugar as this is post eating and drinking beers. I did buy some cheese sticks at the local Safeway and some yogurt. I continued my taking magnesium and COQ10. I did also do my daily bouillon cube. Tomorrow would be a really early day as the bus was picking us up at 445 am. There was only one bus leaving at 445, 545, and 645 and if you missed one of those you would be screwed. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday mess up with the buses I decided to get up for the first one. I slept really good that night.
Tomorrow an “easy day” with just one pass, Trail Ridge (12,183 ft), the highest continuous pass in the United States.
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