Tour de Wyoming keto diet day 6

Day 6 was 47.9 miles and going to be mostly downhill to Sheridan with 1272 ft of climbing in it. People were leaving fairly early because most had to drive home. I think I got started around 7 am which was my latest start of the entire tour. I had my cowboy coffee when I got up and drank it while packing my stuff up.The ride was nice leaving the Big Horns and the descent was a screaming descent. Did the usual stops and ate my nectarines.. This has been a nice tour and I would recommend it as a first tour for anyone. I would make sure you have your own SAG though. Almost everyday I got to the end before the luggage trucks arrived and it would be a pain to have to wait for the luggage to arrive. Also, a SAG can find a tent site in the shade which can be really important in the Wyoming summer.

Took around 3 hours for the entire ride with of course a steep hill at the end. I cleaned up and got on the road as quick as possible. I did eat a keto bar prior to leaving, but skipped my usual bouillon routine this time. My glucose was 114 and ketones 1.5. The nectarines were good and the ride too easy to keep me below my usual 100. I am sure all the beer I drank yesterday did not help either. The drive home took about 6 hours and I rechecked my glucose. It came down to 77. That is more reasonable. All I had between finishing the ride and getting home was a cowboy coffee. You can be pretty safe in assuming you are in ketosis when your glucose is below 80 and you are keto adapted.

Tour de Wyoming keto diet day 6
All in all a great tour. Despite fires, heat, and lack of my usual creature comforts I enjoyed the tour. There is no Alpine Cycle in this tour to arrange hotels in every town for you. There is a sherpa service that will set up tents for you, but if you are going to camp out anyways I prefer to bring my own tent. The tour de Wyoming has a charm to it that only a small tour could have. It is in the big state of Wyoming so you are guaranteed to have a variety of climates and terrain. A fair number of interesting characters ride this tour as well. These gals rode the entire tour with horns on their helmets. They also made up a hilarious limerick at the end.

I won’t forget anytime soon that I was dropped on a climb by a 70 year old gentlemen. I guess I should train harder. I will be taking some time off my bike after this tour. For now, back to the real world and work. Usually takes me about a week to adapt to normal day to day life from a tour where you just worry about biking, eating, and sleeping. .Kind of like the daze you are in after a week long backpacking trip. I’ll write a post in a couple of weeks and let you know the aftermath. If you have never done a tour…… try it, you might like it.
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