I was asked if I wanted to do the Tour de Wyoming by a friend. I said sure since it was a lottery and I did not expect to get in. Ha, this ended up being my second tour in two months. It was a great way to test my keto adaptation in an endurance event and see if I had learned anything from Ride the Rockies which I did last month. Six hour drive from my house to the start point in Sheridan, WY. Quick set up of my tent and then out to explore this really cool town.

While the bar was classic and cool, I really enjoyed looking for the bullet holes in various places. Buffalo Bill used to do auditions for his show at this hotel. The story was if you were hired you were allowed to ride your horse into the bar and had to buy everyone a round of drinks. The bar was a gift to him from Queen Elizabeth. After this we headed to a restaurant where I had a great seafood lunch. Many beers down we wandered around looking for the one distillery in town when we found this microbrewery. It was awesome. We ended up drinking this brewery’s beer throughout the tour. Can’t say it enough, the beer was really good. Not keto though.
There was a festival in town so we stayed until 10 or 11. Had a little incident with the sprinklers in the school yard going off at night and soaking the tents. It woke me up but soaked the girls tent. I know getting up the next day was tough.
Started the day by making myself a cowboy coffee. Since I was camping out I used MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) and Ghee (clarified butter) in my coffee. I used these two products because they did not need refrigeration and gave me the fats my body needed to start the day. I had a little stove I could make coffee with and just added these ingredients. This combination worked out pretty good. I do have video that explains the how and what of a cowboy coffee .
Packed up my tent and put the stuff in our SAG. Our SAG was awesome and many times during the tour made life so much easier. Day one’s profile looked harder than it was. Only 2050 ft of climbing on this day. The toughest part was the gentle slope up into a headwind at the end. Typical Wyoming riding. I saw this sign as I was leaving Sheridan.
Tour de Wyoming keto diet
So how did I fare on this short leg ? Ride took around 3.5 hours. I ate a keto bar and fruit slices at the last two rest stops. I also used an electrolyte tab in my second water bottle. Felt pretty strong all day long. As soon as I got back I checked my ketones( 1.3) and glucose(94). I am really surprised that I stayed in ketosis with all the eating and drinking yesterday. I set up my tent and lit my stove and had 2 bouillon cubes. Replenishing salt while exercising on this diet is a very key component. Not hungry or needing to eat with any urgency.
As soon as my teammates were all cleaned up we headed to Buffalo to eat and drink. Cool small town with a population around 4600. It was here that I started to realize that eating a keto friendly diet might be a problem. Everything had carbohydrates. The Tour de Wyoming put on a dinner that night which consisted of spaghetti with salad. Oh, oh. I ate the innards of a fajita wrap and later ate a cheeseburger without the buns. That was OK for an easy day, but I was worried about the upcoming days. All part of the adventure of being on a bicycle tour. Stay tuned for day 2.
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