Why bother to lose weight? It is hard to lose weight! I believe most people realize being overweight is not healthy, but they may not know the reasons why. This short post is to give you a couple specific reasons why you should consider losing those extra pounds.
5 reasons to lose weight
The number one cause of death in United States is heart disease. When you are overweight you are more likely to have diabetes and high cholesterol. These are both cardiac risk factors. Specifically, the cholesterol we are concerned about is having a low HDL and high triglycerides. You should have an in-depth cholesterol panel run by your doctor. The two best tests are the cardio IQ from Quest or the NMR from LabCore. These tests will break down your LDL cholesterol into particle sizes and numbers. You would like your particle number to be less than 1000 and your small LDL numbers to be a small as possible.
The second most common cause of death United States is cancer. Several studies have shown a correlation between being overweight and having a higher risk of cancer. Also, people that are not overweight tend to recover from cancer easier. One theory is that cancer cells can only feed on glucose and cancer needs a lot of glucose to expand. So people that reduce the amount of glucose in their system starve the cancer cells. So far that is just a theory
Lower your risk of dementia. Alzheimer’s is now being called diabetes type III. Being overweight and having a high carbohydrate diet leads to insulin resistance which can lead to increased risk of Alzheimer’s. This one is really scary to me. Kaiser Permanente did a study where they measured people’s fatty arms in ages 40 to 45. They found people with the fattest arms were 59% more likely to have dementia when they got older.
Would you like to be happier? There is a correlation between depression and obesity. A recent study of 4600 women found 6.5% had depression with a normal body mass index compared to 25% with the body mass index higher than 35. Once again this is only a correlational study and does not prove cause and effect. One theory is that hormonal changes due to the large quantity of adipose tissues causes problems with neurotransmitters.
Can you believe being leaner will save you money? People that are overweight have more medical problems. In this day and age medical costs are skyrocketing. You will have less medical bills if you don’t have diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and metabolic syndrome. All these chronic diseases go along with being overweight. Talk to your doctor about your weight.

There are actually many more reasons to lose weight. I think these five reasons are among the most important. One thing I didn’t mention is that if you enjoy the outdoors, you’ll find most activities easier to do as a leaner person. And if you’re older with younger kids, you will be able to keep up with them easier (as in my case). To be successful in losing weight you need to do it for your own reasons, not to make someone else happy.
22 Day Weight Loss Program Loveland CO
(970) 541-0903
The 22dayweightlossprogram.com is extremely successful in helping people lose from 7 to 30 pounds in a 22 day period. This is also successful in taking inches off your waist in a short period of time.Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better about yourself. As a medical professional who has been working with people for over 30 years I have figured what works. I use this plan myself to keep myself at my ideal body weight.
The Ultrasound Solution runs the 22dayweightlossprogram.com that is partially based on the ketogenic diet. We have come to the conclusion that this is the most successful model that works for just about everyone. Once people have gone through our program they are able to manage their weight on there own. If you are interested in losing weight go to 22dayweightlossprogram.com.
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