22 Day Weight Loss Program offer a variety of Medical Weight Loss programs for both men and women.
(970) 541-0903
For many people losing weight is not always as simple as eating right and exercises. At 22 Day Weight Loss Program of Colorado, we provide the tools needed to help you understand what is keeping you from losing the weight you so desperately want to drop. Anything from imbalance in nutrition, poor metabolism, or hormonal imbalance could cause an inability to lose weight.
Our medical weight loss program is provided for people serious about losing weight and aims to discover the root of your problem so that it can be addressed directly. We want to help you reach your weight goals, and our program goes a step further by educating you so that you can prevent your weight from ever becoming an issue again, even after you have finished using our program.
You have found the Plan that works
Our trained staff works with you to develop a program that will help you lose weight and feel great!
Call us for more information
(970) 541-0903
Our program is based on weekly visits where we do body composition analysis, complete medical exam and even more.
Medically Supervised
We are a medically supervised weight loss program where we offer a balance of education, appetite management and exercise activity to lose weight.
Research has shown that physician- supervised weight loss programs are an effective way to lose weight and maintain that weight loss over time.
22 Day Weight Loss Program Loveland CO
(970) 541-0903
The 22dayweightlossprogram.com is extremely successful in helping people lose from 7 to 30 pounds in a 22 day period. This is also successful in taking inches off your waist in a short period of time.Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better about yourself. As a medical professional who has been working with people for over 30 years I have figured what works. I use this plan myself to keep myself at my ideal body weight.
The Ultrasound Solution runs the 22dayweightlossprogram.com that is partially based on the ketogenic diet. We have come to the conclusion that this is the most successful model that works for just about everyone. Once people have gone through our program they are able to manage their weight on there own. If you are interested in losing weight go to 22dayweightlossprogram.com.
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