Day 6 of Ride the Rockies was going to be an easy day. It consisted of 51 miles and 2291 feet of climbing with lots of descending . The route went from Estes Park to Ft Collins ending at the Odells Brewery. Odells was one of the major sponsors of this ride so of course we would stop there. Up at 6am , packed , and headed to the local coffee shop. My roommate asked me if I was going to eat anything. I told him “food is overrated”. Had myself a cowboy coffee. I was on my bike by 700 am. I felt really strong for some reason today. Dropped my roommate on the first small climb leaving town and did not see him again till the end. Skipped the first aid station. Stopped at the second aid station for water and to eat a keto bar. Skipped the last aid station. Played cat and mouse with several riders on multiple small climbs. I really felt good. This route followed one of the stages of the Colorado Pro Race from several years ago and was really fun.
Loveland Weight Loss Programs RTR Day 6

I got to Odell’s at 930 which was early enough that they were not even serving beer yet. Of course my luggage had not arrived at this point either. Drank some water till 10 am at which point Odell’s started serving beer. I enjoyed 3 Odells IPA’s which are not exactly light beers. My luggage finally arrived and my wife drove me home around 1 pm.
If you are ever in Ft Collins and want to visit a cool brewery you will love Odells. Here is their link.
I checked my ketones which were 0.4 and my glucose was 75. In case I never explained it your ketones need to be greater than 0.5 in order for you to be in ketosis. First time being out of ketosis in a week. I think it was a combination of the beers, the ride not being difficult enough, and the previous nights food excess. Using my roommate as a gauge of my strength I actually got a lot stronger as the week progressed.
At home I had one of my favorite meals, 3 eggs with cream cheese, sausage, and guacamole. That meal is a great keto meal. That night I had a no cal margarita and several glasses of wine along with a massive steak and salad. When I checked my ketones and glucose the next day prior to eating ketones were 1.6 and my glucose was 87. Back to my sweet zone.
Some observations about functioning as a keto adapted athlete
- The bouillon was an important supplement. I never cramped up . I get cramps at times at home with no exercise and being able to function at this level with no cramping amazes me. I do believe the Magnesium was important as well.
- You can wait to eat when you are adapted, but I think you need to eat consistently regardless of whether it is fat or carbs. Pay attention to your protein because you body does need it to replenish your muscles.
- It actually was hard to get enough fat in my diet while traveling. It is probably advisable to carry some of your own sources of fat if you are going to be doing and event like this.
- Read the menu’s closely. There is so much excess carbs in our diet today that you will get some unless you request no tortillas, no beans, no bread, etc. I want to save my carbs for beer and whiskey or the occasional awesome dessert. Don’t be afraid to ask the waitress for extra guacamole and no tortillas.
- Beer is definitely not a keto drink. Whiskey, gin, vodka, tequila will do you better. Red wine is second best. My no cal margarita is tequila, sparkling water, a little lemon juice, and a touch of stevia.
- I did not just jump into this experiment. I first went through a period getting my body keto adapted by using a combination of diet and intermittent fasting. It really was painless. When I started exercising endurance wise it took a little bit of time. Patience will reward you with these results. My next long ride is the Tour of Wyoming next month. Lets see if my lessons learned on this tour will help me on the next.
22 Day Weight Loss Program Loveland CO
(970) 541-0903
The 22dayweightlossprogram.com is extremely successful in helping people lose from 7 to 30 pounds in a 22 day period. This is also successful in taking inches off your waist in a short period of time.Your clothes will fit better and you will feel better about yourself. As a medical professional who has been working with people for over 30 years I have figured what works. I use this plan myself to keep myself at my ideal body weight.
The Ultrasound Solution runs the 22dayweightlossprogram.com that is partially based on the ketogenic diet. We have come to the conclusion that this is the most successful model that works for just about everyone. Once people have gone through our program they are able to manage their weight on there own. If you are interested in losing weight go to 22dayweightlossprogram.com.
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